Thursday, September 5, 2013

Be yourself

Hey everyone I know I haven't wrote in awhile and I'm sorry about that. I admit I have not had it as my priority and I have seen and experienced the after effects of it. I have felt myself slipping from God. I realized that its not just you I am influencing and helping with God's word. I'm helping myself as well. My message to you today is be yourself. Don't try and fit the mold of the teenage hood your in. Or even adult hood. I know it can be hard because of cliques and people can be mean, but why not be yourself. Be the person that God made you to be. Be the person that you know you are. It's not easy at all.....even I have to work on it. Believe me I know I have to work on it. But it is possible! Lemme know if you guys have any prayer requests!!!!:))) LOVEYOU ALL!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Being yourself is hard when you're trying to please others and influenced by how well you're liked etc.
    But we have an example in Jesus on how to be authentic. It's better than being liked; its being real the real that God created us to be and who we want to thrive to be. Help us Lord to be real!!
    Love your Post Joey!!
